Keldwyth Grants
Keldwyth Grants has been established thanks to a generous donation from the Westmorland Music Trust. The criteria for these new grants have been developed in response to the marginalisation of music in schools and the increasing need for lessons in schools to be paid for.
Applications will be welcomed to support any musical endeavour, not just classical music.

Grants will be awarded to children/young people living in and attending primary/secondary school /college in Cumbria who:
- Are able to demonstrate an enthusiasm and dedication to their chosen musical activity and a reference attesting to that will be required from their tutor/Head of Music/Choir leader etc. There is no exam qualification necessary to qualify for a grant.
- Are able to demonstrate participation in group music making activities. For example, an applicant might belong to, or wish to belong to, an existing musical organisation (band, orchestra, choir etc.) but who needs financial help to fulfil this wish, for example to help with membership dues, or to assist in the hire or purchase of an instrument. Applications may also be made to help with individual tuition costs but applicants should be able to clearly demonstrate participation in group music making activities.
- Are clearly able to demonstrate financial need. A confidential statement supporting such a claim from a parent or guardian will be required.
Our grants are only available to those applicants who fulfill all of these criteria: financial need; enthusiasm and dedication; group participation,
For further details and to apply go to How to apply for a grant page.